ADHENO - Integrated Rural Development Association

ADHENO's Achievements

Natural Resource Development and Conservation

➢ Established 5 tree nursery stations

➢ Established 6 community tree nursery

➢ Raised 3.2 million tree seedlings

➢ Covered a total of 320 hectare of land with trees

➢ Developed 180 woodlots and planted 180,000 tree seedlings

➢ Established eleven area closures covering 36 hectare of land

➢ Covered over 3,100 hectare of land with different physical soil and water conservation structures

➢ Distributed2,344 agricultural hand tools used for construction of physical structures

➢ 620 fuel saving stove distributed

1. Capacity Building

➢ Trained 1,626 model famers on soil and water conservation structures (Female 220)

➢ Trained 220 youth on nursery management (145 females)

➢ Trained 915 (female 315) model farmers on fruit and vegetable trees management

➢ Trained 1884 model farmers on basic bee keeping skill

➢ Trained 434 model farmers on compost preparation

➢ Established 12 self help groups having 212 members with 170,000 birr capital

➢ Created job opportunity for 289 jobless youth

➢ Trained 215 destitute women on fuel saving stove production skills

2. Provision of Support

➢ Distributed 2,480 high land fruits to 248 model farmers (80 females)

➢ Distributed 14,720 low land fruits to 736 model farmers (220 females)

➢ Distributed 1,120 sheep's for rearing and fattening to 373 model farmers (373 females)

➢ Distributed 1,520 chickens to 217 beneficiaries (217 females)

➢ Distributed 1,600 fuel saving stove on cost sharing basis

➢ Distributed 330 quintal of improved crop seed for 700 beneficiaries

➢ Distributed 127 kg vegetable seed for 1270 beneficiaries

➢ Distributed 235improved bee hives for 235 beneficiaries

➢ 415 beekeepers organized and sell their honey through Tegulet beekeepers cooperative

3. Infrastructure

➢ Developed 24 water springs benefiting 5,445 community members and 27,225 animals

➢ Constructed 17.6 K.m. footpath

➢ Constructed a foot bridge benefiting 5,500 people over Beresa river

4. Educational Support

➢ Renovated 30 class rooms

➢ Supported 3 high schools , 5 primary school and 6 satellite schools

➢ Provided adult education program to 440 model farmers

➢ Provided 1,824 reference books

➢ Provided 357 school chairs and tables for class rooms ,libraries and laboratory

➢ Provided financial support to 189 elementary and 63 secondary school girls &boys

➢ No of SGS program beneficiaries

GradeNumber of students
Vocational training college students14
Attending university6
Teachers college3

5. Health

➢ Conducted over 150 community conversation sessions benefiting over 2,000 community members

6. Small Scale Irrigation

➢ Provided support for the construction of 22 rainwater harvesting ponds

➢ constructed irrigation canals and water tankers for 5 villagers a total of 275 community members benefited